Part 91: 11/02/09 - 11/15/09: Lyapunov Exponent
Soul Phrase -Long Vers.-
Topological space is a nightmare mess unless you understand what a topology is in the first place. A mathematical topology is the study of properties that are preserved through deformations of a geometric shape outside of tearing. A circle is topologically identical to an ellipse, for example.
The Lyapunov Exponent is generally defined as the rate in which two objects in motion that are infinitesimally close together are slowly separating.
Both are just saying that Makoto and Kotone start from a similar point at sure look to be identical depending on perspective, but are drifting apart over time. Why bring this up now? Well...
Excellent question! I'd like to think it'll make sense later this month, but for now don't worry too much about it. The Soul Phrase OP includes a bunch of stuff that flashes by so quickly that you don't get the chance to process it. Some of it I don't think fits, though.

For now, let's get back to early November. We have some folks to rescue for Tartarus, and first off we have Maiko on floor 149. Naturally, if you don't rescue her and haven't finished the Hanged Man social link by now then that becomes impossible to finish.

Next random dude is up on floor 152. Nothing fancy about this guy, though.

Same applies to the old woman we can find on floor 158. That makes all three, so we're definitely done in Tartarus until later now.

So we'll just dunk on Strega again. It takes no time at all, because they are Strega.

The lack of real cutscenes really shows how it can potentially hinder things at this point. But it's even worse...

Here. This entire scene is even more of a disappointment with no real motion in scenes, animated or otherwise.

But the biggest crime is that Koromaru does not get to dunk on Ikutsuki. In fact, Koromaru is not in this scene at all.

Instead, we get new dialogue that... makes Ikutsuki seem even more like a Generic Bad Guy than ever before. Impressive, really.

Also, hey, Takeharu got a new portrait. Kind of.
He's dead and it's a bad image.

While we have the chance, let's grab the rewards from the police station for the last Tartarus expedition. The Felt Doll is the one for rescuing Maiko and it restores SP when you have it equipped. It's okay, but it's basically just another Mage's Mark.
Adventured act
But, hey, let's cover some actual new content. At some point in October, this fella turned up in the nightclub. He's not in vanilla or FES, and has a lot
to say...

Alright, tell me... have you ever had a dream where you're falling?


...Hmm. Well, to tell the truth...

I heard a rumor that if you don't wake up before you hit bottom, you die...


Forget it, sorry. Shouldn't have brought it up.

I've been having the weirdest dreams lately... Geez, what's wrong with me...?

Why don't you head on home instead of wandering around a place like this?

Well, you're a kid... I always wanted to see what this kind of place was like when I was your age, too. Haha...

You're... in high school, right?

I remember back then. Makes me a little jealous of you.

It would've been really awkward if we didn't spend some time with Akihiko before and would technically have to say "no."

Heh, good for you. Things were so much simpler at that age...

Once you get to be as old as me, love loses some of its luster. Romance gets harder to enjoy.

So enjoy it while you still can... Haha, this isn't any of my business, is it?

...But seriously, I envy you.

I'm an adult now. I can't be as carefree as I used to.

*sigh* I'm not the marrying kind.

You give up so much of your freedom once you become an adult... Heh.

About that weird dream I've been having... I'm pretty sure I know what's causing it.

It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, but...

I... Well, I cheated on my girl.

I'm starting to feel guilty about the whole thing. Haha... stupid, isn't it?


Do you think it's an unforgiveable sin to cheat on someone? Or is it just human nature?

I think it's a sin.

That's what I thought... Haha.

Sorry for asking such a stupid question.

When I was young... I thought my life was just beginning.

Every day is more of the same betrayal and acting on my ridiculous desires...


I wonder if I'm gonna have that dream again tonight...

Shit! I feel like I'm going insane...
Whew, that was a long chat with this random guy, huh? Don't worry, we did that for a reason. Namely that we'll be seeing this Totally Definitely Generic NPC With A Conspicuous Character Model later.

Let's just skip ahead a couple days now and begin hanging out with folks again. Starting with, uh... Theo? Hell yeah, Theo!
Theo's School Daze

It's difficult to wrap one's mind around such a beautiful place transforming into Tartarus...

> You sense the students leaving school are staring at you and Theo...

We seem to be under some rather intense scrutiny.
> Theo is nodding solemnly...

Here, please come closer to me. Stay in my shadow.

I don't think it'll help.

It's all right.

You'll be relieved to know that I won't leave your side.

Now, let us head inside the school.

If that's the case... then...
> Theo walked towards the school store.

Excuse me, I'd like to purchase a "school lunch."
Vendor: Oh... yes?
> It seems Theo is asking for something unreasonable...

They don't sell those.

They don't...!?


That... is unfortunate...

I've been yearning to try it for myself for the longest time...

I see...
> Theo seems disappointed, but he still bought bread.

Now then, won't you guide me on a tour of the school?
> You decide to take him to Classroom 2-F.
Odd how this time around it's our idea. As you might recall, last time, this was Elizabeth's suggestion to head to our classroom.

It's here that you spend such long hours each day...

...Does it go something like this?
> Theo sat down at a student's desk.
> Theo is looking up at you in anticipation...
> .....
> .....
> Should you try giving him a question...?

What food do I like?


Myself, I enjoy takoyaki, but...


It seems there is still much to learn about you.
> Theo seems a little vexed...

I now have a much better understanding of what a lesson is like for you.

Shall we head elsewhere, then?
> You decide to walk around the school with Theo.

What is this ersatz human used for? A living human would seem much more beautiful to me.
> Theo glanced towards you...

Though if the object is to always keep one close at hand... That may be somewhat understandable.

Can you play?

Well, certainly I can produce the correct notes according to the music on the sheet...

But I doubt that could be called good music...

I never understood the difference before, but I think I can appreciate it more nowadays.

I wonder why...

If so... I doubt they'd get anywhere.


Going nowhere...

Ah, now I see. It was designed with a profound philosophical point in mind...

My knowledge of this world is that much deeper now.

If it is all right with you, I'd like to again go...



That's... odd.

Why did I come here?

And why with you...?

What... is this desire I have to know more about you...?


Oh, pardon me.

You must be exhausted. I had you chaperone me to so many different places...

Let us go. Please, may I take your hand?
> You went back to the Velvet Room with Theo.
Nothing else of note happens until now until Ryoji shows up. That day's gonna be a very busy one for us, especially now...

C'mere, over here!
> ...?
> Junpei beckons you over.

Do you need something?

You know the new transfer student, right? Has he been introduced to you yet?

Anyways, this is Kotone.

She transferred here earlier this year.

Oh... I see. I'm Ryoji Mochizuki. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.


Hey, what's wrong? What're you gaping at?


Oh, um...

I just got the strangest feeling when I looked at Kotone-chan...


Haha! Wow, that's one of the oldest pickup lines in the book!


Anyway, I hope we'll get along.
> Ryoji gently offers his hand...
> ...You went with the flow and shook it.
> You've been introduced to the friendly transfer student, Ryoji Mochizuki...
So, yeah, Ryoji here is our last unique S.Link and it's insanely picky and special. Getting through this link in its entirety is very
specific in ways that we'll see as it progresses.

I'm looking forward to chatting with you more.
> ...Aigis suddenly appears from somewhere.

...Oh, um, Aigis-san.

Would it be all right if I stood closer to you, then?

Absolutely not!

Yikes... What's all this about...?
That's a fantastic question. Aigis sure doesn't like Ryoji for some reason, and even here we're getting a reminder of that since it hasn't really come up since.

Nicely enough, we don't lose our afternoon free time slot because of Ryoji. A nice unexpected boon, for sure.
We'll definitely be spending it with Akihiko because hell yeah.
Akihiko Sanada: The Star
Warm Feeling

Maybe I have a cushion somewhere...

Oh, you want something to drink?

Please sit down, Sempai.

Y-Yeah, I guess I should.

...Is this better?
> Akihiko seems a little flustered...

Err... My room doesn't weird you out, does it?

It fits you.

You think so? That's good.
> Akihiko seems relieved...

This is all new for me...

That's so cute!

Wha--Hey, don't tease me!
> Akihiko turns bright red.

I wanted to give you this today.

Will you take it...?

Don't you think it looks like you?

What's with that face? It looks just like you...


There was a time when... I thought I was just seeing Miki in you.

But when I bought that... I knew then that wasn't the case.

Passing by toy stores always made me think of Miki.

I kept telling myself I was doing everything I could...

Then when I saw that in the store, your face was the first thing that popped into my mind.

And then I thought about Miki...

If it hadn't been for you, I might never have gotten over it.

I would've just pretended that I did...

Whether things have been painful, or happy, or sad... You've always been there for me.

You should know that if you're ever going through hard time, I'll be there for you too.

From now on, we have each other...


I... I hope you don't mind me saying this, but...


You mean a lot to me...
> Akihiko has honestly confided in you how he feels...
> You sense a strong bond with Akihiko...
The Path is Open
Warm Feeling
Helel ben Shahar is the Lightbringer. We'll see him maybe once ever since he's level 88. He's also maybe not super great, honestly. Especially not for how late he comes in.
...He does have something in vanilla, especially, that makes him more worthwhile though. When we unlock him again in the "main" timeline, we'll take a bit more of a look at it, I'm sure.

...Uh, I mean, Port Island in general, not this room.

D-Don't think I'm gonna lose control or anything because I let you in here...

...Come on, don't laugh like that.


...You're the only one I can act this way around.
Mate, I already do.

Come on, let me hear how it sounds.




I'll be sure to make you happy.

In time, I hope you can find even more about me to love...
Since we can snag 3 links today, we'll spend the evening with Koromaru. Hell yeah!
Warm Feeling
Sadly, no video for this one because Koromaru doesn't get to be voiced here.
> Koromaru ran off behind the shrine...
> ...He returned with something in his teeth.

> Koromaru is looking up at you with his big eyes...
> You took what Koromaru was holding.

Is this yours?

> Koromaru is wagging his tail...
> It seems he wants you to hold on to it...

I'll cherish it.

> But... a collar?

Am I your master?

> Koromaru is shaking his head...

I can hold on to it?

> Koromaru answered energetically...

Will you stick with me?

> Koromaru is wagging his tail...
> This must be Koromaru's resolution...
> Koromaru will follow you for sure...
> matter where that might lead...
> That's how you feel...
The Path is Open
We've already seen Siegfried. He's no different here, really.
Warm Feeling
> Koromaru is running about the shrine while wagging his tail...
> You decide to play with him a little here...
> It's getting late, so you decide to go back to the dorm together...
It's a shame that we're done with Koromaru now. Unlike most others, even maxed out you can still spend time with him AND have it be worthwhile because it gets you free stuff still.
Mostly wouldn't bother, though.

Anyway, next day we're gonna hang out with Ken. It won't be super-awful, I promise! Remember, we banished the Bad Route to the Shadow Realm last time.
After School

Anywhere you want! I'll pay.



Oh, he's one of my classmates...
> A boy about Ken's height walks by...
Ken's Classmate: What're you doing?

Uh... nothing! I'm just about to go to dinner...


...Oh, n-no!
Ken's Classmate: Wh-What're you getting mad at me for!?



I'm not her younger brother!

Kotone-san is... She's my...

We're friends, right?

Wh-What's so weird!?
Ken's Classmate: I mean, she's way older than you.


Sh-Shut up!
Ken's Classmate: Your face is stupid! Dumbass! Hag!
> Ken's classmate runs off...
> ...Did he just call you a hag...?
Warm Feeling


I'm sorry he said that stuff...

I'm sorry...

It didn't bother me.

> Ken hangs his head low...

I know that already...

That's a fact that can't be changed...


So... Why are you bothering with a kid like me?

The guys at the dorm are older than me, and you have lots of friends, right...?

Then... why me...?
> Ken looks downwards, but he has a serious expression...
> You must be honest with him...

You're a special friend.
Note that if you really
want to, you CAN still opt to date Ken here. Don't do that. No, bad.


Even though I'm just a kid...?

I can't be there for you like everyone else...

And you still...


Thank you, Kotone-san.

I really look up to you...

You're so kind and strong...

I want to be more like you.
> Ken smiles.
> You sense a strong bond has formed between you and Ken...

I'm sorry... I'll just get something quick to eat and go up to my room today.

...W-Well then!
> Ken's face has turned bright red...
> ...Ken ran off.
> You decide to return to the dorm.
> ...Ryoji is waving to you.

Is this how you get to school too?

I think it's always fun to ride a monorail.

Look... The sun's shining off the ocean beautifully.

This view really lifts my spirits...

I think I understand.

Huh? Really?

I thought that the world was being especially dazzling today...

...Could that be because you're standing here with me?

Oh, we're almost at school already. That's a shame...

Is school fun?

Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

You know... It's probably because I know I can see you there.

Everything's glimmering there, just like this ocean...
> Ryoji laughs easily...
> You feel like you understand Ryoji a little better now...

I hope today turns out to be fun!
> You hurried to school with Ryoji...
So, this was the last time Ryoji straight up gives you a gimme for his social link (for a while, at least). The rest is... potentially annoying to deal with. Some of it is incredibly mean, honestly.

But we'll get to that fairly soon. First, we'll spend more time with Ken.
Warm Feeling

It's nice and cool in the morning, and in the afternoon the sun's bright and it smells like nature...

But I especially like it at night.

It's quiet... It makes me feel like I can be true to my own feelings.
> Ken smiles peacefully...

I had some homework a while back. We were supposed to write an essay about our dreams for the future.

The teacher got angry and made me stay after class, but I still couldn't come up with anything.

I really couldn't think of a single thing I dreamed...

But my teacher said that I had to turn it in right then, so I wrote that I wanted to be a soccer player.

...Because that's what the guy next to me wrote.
> Ken nimbly scales the jungle gym...

Come up here, Kotone-san.

The sky's a little closer up here...
> You climbed the jungle gym and sat next to Ken.

It's probably because I've never thought about myself like that.

I... didn't care about the future.

But you made me realize that.

You didn't treat me like a kid or take pity on me...

You listened to what I had to say.

It all depends... on how I become one.

There's no rush.

Yes. I need to go at my own pace... Right?

If you can stay by my side and watch over me, I'll be happy...
> Ken blushes a little...
> You feel like your bond with Ken has grown stronger...

I want to pray for everyone's safety.

...You're all important to me, after all.
> You and Ken spent some time at the shrine before returning to the dorm together.
So, on the 13th of November, we can opt to hang out with Ryoji. This is for his rank 3 event and it is only available today.

If you don't do it, then whoops you can never rank Fortune up again. Try again next time!
After School

Ah, Mikako-chan.
Girl with Buns: Ooh, it's Ryoji. Hey, are you going somewhere?
> Ryoji is suddenly surrounded by a swarm of girls...

Sorry, ladies, but I've already got plans for today. Maybe next time...
Girl with Buns: Whaaat? When's "next time" gonna be?
Girl with Buns: *squeal* Awww!
> Ryoji charms his way through thr throng of female students...

Ahaha, please! You're all so cute; I can't choose just one of you.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I've already decided on my princess for today.
> Ryoji suddenly takes your hand.

Why'd you do that...?

Why...? It's because...

> Ryoji suddenly falls silent...


I'm not mad.

It's just that...
> Ryoji looks dejected...

I want to be more sincere with you...

I wonder why...
> Ryoji tightens his grip on your hand...
> The other girls leave, throwing a few dark looks your way.

Oh... Sorry.

But... I wonder why.

For some reason, Aigis-san too...
> Ryoji looks somewhat sad...
> You feel as if you're seeing a different, less cheerful side to Ryoji...

Hey, can you show me around the city? I want to see all the places you like to go to.
> You and Ryoji spent time meandering around the city...
So, that was easy to miss but it wasn't really all that bad. You probably won't miss it in practice.
So, what if it was worse?

On the 15th, which is a Sunday, Ryoji'll give you a call to hang out. Unlike in Vanilla/FES, Sunday date hangouts give you their call on Sunday morning. Ryoji sure seems like he's doing the same.
He isn't. This is him asking you for his rank 4 event. This is also only available today. Opt to not do it? Welp, more fool you.
Warm Feeling

It's because I'm here with you.

Haha, you knew what I was going to say.
> Ryoji laughs happily...
> Now that he mentioned it, you see romantic couples everywhere in the cafe...

Being lovers means that there's nobody else in the world that you care more for, right?

That'd be wonderful, if it were really true.

It'll happen to you someday.

*chuckle* I see.

You know, sometimes I think...

I would still like you, no matter if you were a guy or a girl.
Which is why this link is exclusively available here...

What do you mean?

...? Is that such an odd thing to say?

I'm positive that I've known you before...

...When I'm with you, I just get this feeling that I'll find out how I know you, and we'll become closer...

But... For some reason, that makes me want to cry.
> Ryoji seems sad...
> You feel like you've come to understand Ryoji a little more...

If I'm not bothering you... would it be all right if I asked you out again?

I'd be totally up for it!

I see... I'm happy to hear that.

...Oh, that reminds me. That school trip's coming up soon, right?

Let's find some time to go somewhere together while we're there.

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it...
> You left Ryoji and decided to go back to the dorm...
Ryoji mentioning the Kyoto trip here explicitly gives a partial reason for why we can only do this today. That's something that COULD be rewritten, if need be, though.
Ah well, speaking of Kyoto, there's some pretty clear differences over there. Good thing too, because we could probably do with a bit of a break.